• 유해화학물질 안전교육
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  • 2024 (사)한국애란협회 엽예품 전국대회 & 구미 국화 전시회
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  • 기정 진급자 과정
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  • 2024년 하반기 전사전략회의
  • 해피라이프(가칭)
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  • 디지털 수업환경 개선을 위한 전자칠판 전시회
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  • 2024 대한민국 펫캉스
  • 독도수호 후반기 전진대회
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  • 2024 항공방위물류 박람회
  • 2024 세미나페어
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  • KCSDT 2024 GUMI
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  • 구미코-TBC 업무협약(MOU) 체결식
  • 이민주 소장의 육아강연
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  • 유해화학물질 안전교육
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  • 2023 제5회 구미아트페어
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  • 김미려X김경아X조승희 <투맘쇼>
  • 전기안전관리기술교육 2과정
  • 2024 경북베이비키즈페어
  • 구미시 재향군인회 정기총회
  • 2024 LIG 넥스원 관리감독자 교육
  • EBS 정승익 선생님 무료강연
  • 구미 범양레우스 센트럴포레 옵션행사
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  • 국가첨단전략산업 기술혁신 융자 사업설명회
  • 유해화학물질 안전교육
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  • 구미코-국제로타리 3630지구 18지역,19지역 업무협약 체결식
  • 장세용 출판기념회
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  • 2024 포토 트랜스아트 클럽 작품전
Upcoming Events
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2023년 11월 10일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 01일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 02일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 02일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 04일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 06일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 02일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2024년 01월 20일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2024년 04월 01일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2024년 05월 03일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2024년 05월 04일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2024년 05월 22일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 11월 10일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 07일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 23일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2024년 01월 04일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2024년 01월 26일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2024년 02월 01일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 01일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 02일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 04일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 06일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 07일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
2023년 12월 08일
Come join the fun at the LA Beach Picnic! Hosted by Eventchamp, this event is the perfect way to relax and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf with friends and family.
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